Sunday, May 31, 2009

Opening Day at the Ballpark

I have finally done it. I have decided to start a blog. What brought this on was I returned from a wedding, and after telling people that I was a writer, which really means unemployed, I decided to do something. The first rule of writing is to write, and in endeavoring to do this, this is my brainchild. For those few who will be reading this, there will be a select few topics that I will muse about.
These topics include television shows, music, movies, politics, religion, current events, history, philosophy and other high minded avenues of discussion. I will also take requests from those few who read these posts. If there is something that you want me to talk about, I will consider it. Finally, I will talk about life in general, and the pain and suffering that comes with it. It just depends on the day.
Well, this has been a informational post, but nothing really to grab your attention. Let me start with the first rule of reading anything that I write. Open your mind and prepare to think. If you are easily offended, good. I intend to offend. Too often these days people despair that someone somewhere might offend them, and they tremble in fear. Only in confronting those fears does one grow. I view this as an avenue to really put down what is deep inside me, that drive to create something and sometimes passion can create something that many people cannot understand, or even fear. This is the raw me, something that no one has seen before. It is the voice inside my head, and finally those words that rattle my brain are going to go out into the world. I don't know for good or ill, but there they are. Make sure that your tray tables and seat backs are in the upright and locked position. This flight begins.