Monday, October 12, 2009

The Death of the New World

Well, it has been an interesting last few days for me. Sometimes I hate being proven correct once again, but there it is. Recently I have watched several movies dealing with the War on Terror. These movies are ones like In the Valley of Elah, Stop-Loss, The Road to Guantanamo, and other America-hating movies. This is topped off by the apparent cancellation of Columbus Day hearkens back to when I discussed worldviews oh so many posts ago.
Why do I talk about this now? The situation that we find ourselves in today, in this country, is a result of this worldview glorified by these movies and the BS that students are fed about the man who DISCOVERED America. Some of you might not remember what I am talking about, so I will refresh. The two sides here are the Goodly American Exceptionalist, and the Multi-cultural Moral Relativist. The GAE sees America as the shining city on the hill, a good and decent nation, and the greatest experiment of freedom in the world. The MMR sees America as no better than any other place, and honestly can't see any inherent worth in the foundations of America.
It is the MMR that creates these movies, started this economic mess (and prolong it), and are trying to cancel Columbus Day. Often a post-Soviet sympathizer, the MMR is enraged at the presumption of those who are GAE. They consider themselves of the highest moral caliber by making no judgements save ending intolerance except for their own. America must be taken down a peg, for the good of the world. Thus these people side with our enemies, gloss over their faults, destroy American legends and heroes, undermine our economy, and generally weaken our national culture.
It was on display when Jane Fonda travelled to North Vietnam, in order to show her support for the Communists. It is on display when Americans travel to be human shields for Iraq's former dictators. It is on display when a Code Pink member holds up a "Disarm Israel" in a House Subcommittee meeting on sanctions for Iran (I would only have to explain how this is wrong to a MMR person). It is on display when they ignore the gulag, the holocaust denier, the terrorist camp (yes, Iraq supported terrorism before 2003), and the anti-Semite. It is on display when they call America a "hateful" nation, and unable through freedom to provide quality of the lives of our citizens. It is on display when they say Americans are Nazis and war criminals. It is on display when tarnish our national heroes, and raise up those who oppose us.
The MMR wants to show American torture, when only the naive would consider it to be so. If one truly is to be educated, read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's The Gulag Archipelago. Then ask yourself if what was actually done at Guantanamo Bay truly torture. You would find that the KGB and the SS would call what is actually done there to be child's play. Furthermore, actually talk to our servicemen. Find out that they actually are not as depicted in the movies. They as a group are not murderers, rapists, terrorists, and subhumans. They for the most part are real heroes like Stop-Loss's Sgt. Steve Shriver, honorable men who sacrifice for their country to save their brother's in arms. They emulate John Wayne, a mythical hero from the Hollywood of yore. Consider the arguments that the MMR puts in front of you. They say that the Jews are responsible for the violence in the Middle East, when it has been the Jews that were attacked, bombed, and heaped with scorn. There is a reason that the text The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a popular book in the Arab countries of the region. It is not the Jews who deny the Holocaust, and seek to conquer the region. They did not start the wars of the 1940's-1970's between the state of Israel and its neighbors. It is not the Israelis who seek a new nuclear holocaust.
And why is Israel hated by the MMR? Because they are a lone beacon of the power of freedom in the region. They are linked to us, and by attacking Israel they attack us. But that is not the extent of it. In places that have seen long term political control by MMR in this country are economically depressed, dysfunctional and crime ridden. Their demagoguery keeps them in power, even though they are the cause of our problems. They rewrite our histories to leave themselves blameless, and rob our hardworking citizens of their money. They write incomprehensible laws designed to weaken the economy. They destroyed the housing market, and after that had been completed nationalized the banks and two car companies. The cabal of the MMR slaps itself on the back, giving awards and prizes out to its members who have done well in bringing America low.
Now, I am not saying that their is some Illuminati style conspiracy going on out there. There is no secrecy in any of this. These people truly believe that America needs reduction. It is how they see the world. These people are often found in government, entertainment and education. So, what are we to do?
First off, stop voting in anyone who doesn't believe in the greatness of America. Just how someone views the world can be found out in today's information soaked world. The mainstream media long ago went over to their side. Have the anti-American movies and TV shows continue to fail at the box office. The movies that I listed at the beginning of the post (and the other anti-American ones I did not) all were dismal failures. Thirdly, take back control of your children's education and educate yourselves. The brainwashing of the youth is how the MMR continues to increase its adherents.
This brings me to Columbus. There was a story in the news about how Columbus Day is no longer going to be celebrated. In the story there were mentions of classrooms that practice a "balanced" approach to Columbus. They put him on trial, talk about the Indians and how they suffered, or don't mention him at all. Why do I mention this? Columbus is a symbol, a symbol of the New World. The New World is hope, freedom and progress for mankind. By destroying Columbus the MMR degrade the New World. There are many good sources who give an actual and real account of Columbus, giving him the proper celebratory role in history.
Truly, the way to cease the corruption is to educate oneself. In this is gives me hope. I believe in the New World, as does the majority of the American public. They know that freedom is superior to anything else. They know that America is a goodly nation. They problem is when they listen to these who don't see the world in this way on TV, the movies, or on a blog or post online. Arguing with them can be fun, but ultimately pointless. Trying to change their mind is akin to convincing a mental patient that the sky is not falling, and that really ain't God speaking to you.