Thursday, January 28, 2021

All Your GameStops belong to us now

 Oh yes. In the second week of the corrupt pedo occupying the people's house, the people began to stand up. Using the legitimate tools of the stock market, they began to do exactly what those so call financial elites have been doing for decades. Now as we have seen, this cannot be allowed because reasons, and because stonks. You little people can never challenge your betters. How can you not know this?

Now the corrupt media will never point this as a good thing. They will say how they are ashamed of people, how much damage is being done by people freely using the tools of stock market available to all, and how these people did something wrong. They didn't, but if you are still listening to the media at this point uncritically there really is no hope for you. And of course, financial censorship reared its head, at the behest of the powers that be. Discord crumbled, providing an obvious bullshit reason, and Robinhood, the mechanism of many's new found power cut their legs out from under them.

So where does that leave us? The powers that be, using their own powers of manipulation to drive down the price of GameStop through collusion amongst themselves, will try to prevent normal people from repeating this action, using the exact same tools. Not that there is anything wrong with any of these tools. Short selling has a purpose. The problem is the collusion to artificially drive down the price, and then crying foul when others work the game better than they do. 

I expect there to be an over correction in the next few weeks as all shorts are re-evaluated. Some stocks deserve it. Others don't. Government might try to do something, but even if there is unity amongst the elites on this, they aren't competent enough to doing anything lasting. It is the "private" companies who will do the most damage. In the 21st Century it is the private company in the West that tramples your rights. It is the private company that corrupts our systems. It is private companies that actually run things. This isn't to say that private companies are bad. They are better and more competent than government any day of the week. The problem is when they side themselves on the side of statists, communist fucks, and other general scum that makes up the Left.

The genie is out though. Once the dam has been breached, you might be able to hold for some time, and the first through the breach will suffer, but it cannot be stopped. Censorship is a losing game in the 21st Century in the long run. They might have victories in the short term, but every single event red pills even more people, and more and more become based. You can't stop the signal, Mal.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Not my president

 No. That corrupt doddering pedo bastard who lives at 1600 ain't my president. You fuckers had the temerity to lie and whine for four years about the legitimate votes of the American people in 2016 want unity now? Fuck you. There will be no unity with these cheating lying fuckers. None.

Oh, and did you hear? Our lying fuckers of a media have stated that that senile fuckers goal is 100 million vaccinated in 100 days? Well since we are already on track for that with the plan (yeah, there is a comprehensive plan already put in place by the Donald Trump administration which has us if nothing changes on track to do that, but you wouldn't know that watching CNN as they bald faced lied to you) it really isn't an accomplishment of the senile fucktard, but of course the brainless segment of the population who watches the news will believe otherwise. Mark my words, in a few short months you will hear about how the brave pedos who inhabit 1600 these days created this saving grace of mankind, when they literally had nothing to do with it, and people will believe it.

All from a group of people who had a mentally ill psychopath as assistant health secretary. Orwell never intended to produce an instruction manual. But here we are.

Fuck that.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

I didn't start the fire

Wow. It really has been nine years. Which is like a stone age internet man came back from the dead, and is speaking to probably nobody out there. But today, maybe is a start of something new. With the absolute retard fuckdom of what is happening in the world these days, I needed at outlet. And here it is, screaming at nobody about everything. Its almost like coming back from the dead.

 Which is close to reality. The old me is long dead. Whats left, a cynical burned out shut in with no hope in the world getting better. The last man who tried was attempted to be destroyed by everyone, or at least it seems that way. Even those who should have been his friends nitpicked and bloviated and celebrated his enemies, while those same enemies cheated and scammed and lied about everything. The big lie indeed. Now we truly enter the 1984 dark ages, where an 80 year old pedo with an actual slavemaster holding the sword of Damocles over him is the "savior" of the country, and people actual believe that complete load of horseshit. There is so much rot and evil in the world it is hard to find a way out. But in lieu of the easy way out, I find myself unable to stop caring. So I will bloviate the truth as I see it here, to an audience of zero. For as long as I can. Or care too. Thats all for today, this day one of the new dark age.

Oh, and one last thought. While it has been nine years since I last posted, there was a new "warning" about the EU and some bullshit disclosure that I need to put up. Fuck that. The EU can shove it laws up its own ass. I don't have to respect them or follow at all. So, my choice, no disclosure. But in this Big Brother world, you might see it here on my page without my consent. Be warned.