Monday, September 28, 2009

The Other White Meat, or What Really Will Destroy Us All

I have been spending quite a bit of time recently talking about the health insurance takeover bills, and how they are bad. Yes, this is a simplistic description, but it should let you understand unless you haven't been reading my previous posts. Yet, just like the near war that rages on outside my computer, there is a second piece of death dealing legislation that needs to die a swift death, just like the health insurance bills.
This wonderful piece of paper is called cap and trade. For those of you who don't know what this is, cap and trade is climate legislation that will require carbon credits to be created, set caps of emissions, and enable those companies who are well below the carbon cap to trade their credits to those who cannot get down to that level. Sounds like capitalism doesn't it? One could not be more wrong.
The only reason for a carbon credit market to exist is for a government to say that they (credits)should exist. Carbon credits hold no actual value. Their actual worth in the open market is worth less than whatever paper that they are printed on. The "market" for carbon credits would have high prices for worthless items, which would lead to two possibilities. The first is what happened to the mortgage market (sub-prime) would happen to each company forced to participate. When prices are inflated eventually they will fall. The second would be that with no real value in the items being traded, graft and corruption (government) will creep into prices, as real competition will not exist because competition will cause the market to reflect the true value of a carbon credit.
Even after all of that, many people look at economics and their eyes glass over. They say that these people are rich, and need to pay to protect the environment for the rest of us. There are so many things wrong with that belief. Unfortunately that is what many of the Dear Leaders supporters believe. First off, just because these people are rich shouldn't force a new set of responsibilities on themselves. These rich people that we are talking about, the majority of them are corporations. Far from being evil as Hollywood would lead you to believe, a corporation is simply a legal entity, created to protect the investors in a business. These corporations employ a sizable portion of the American population. In order to waste money on carbon credits, these companies would be forced to raise prices for their products, lay off workers, or a combination of both. Many sole-proprietorships and partnerships would be forced out of business, or priced out of the market as well. Yes, less carbon would be put out, as multiple double digit unemployment caused many businesses to fail. On top of that the few goods that you would find in a store would be prohibitively expensive, so you would need to be rich to buy them. When someone desires to make another pay for someone, our world teaches us a lesson. By hurting the "evil" rich, we actually hurt ourselves, as it will be our plant that closes when we vote for a tax increase on the evil businesses.
The second wrongheaded idea in the belief beyond cap and trade is that the environment is at all in peril from carbon. From the EPA calling carbon dioxide a pollutant to increased stories that the arctic ice shelf is going to disappear and thus raise our sea level 400 feet lead the ignorant among us to believe that the end is nigh. Ok, I realize that those who still believe in global warming are on the opposite side of zealotry past the terrorists, but I will endeavor to set the record straight.
First, carbon dioxide is NOT a pollutant. I will say this again: carbon dioxide is NOT a pollutant. A naturally occurring gas, it functions as a greenhouse gas (although hardly the most important, can you guess which one that is) and as plant food. As such, the carbon in the molecule enters our food chain, and thus makes up each of our atomic structures. To follow the inverse, thus each molecule of carbon in all living things was once in the atmosphere at one time. Fossil fuels are made of former living things. To connect the dots for those who are from public schools, the carbon that is present in oil, gas and coal was in the atmosphere. Burning such fuels only completes the cycle of carbon.
CO2, even with its status as a greenhouse gas, has never been shown to be a driving factor in temperature. Surprise, surprise the largest factor in temperature is the sun. Solar activity has a much larger impact on climate, and as far as we know, we cannot control the activities of the sun. When measured against the power of our star, any activity that we engage in is ant like. I know that this conception for those who toil in the concrete jungles is hard to grasp. Over the last weekend I helped my parents fill a large hole with dirt, in preparation for placing a patio over the hole. The project involved moving about two tons of dirt. After completing the task, I ruminated about how small in scale this large task really was in comparison to the planet as a whole. To me, filling such a small hole was large. Even if I multiplied the amount of change by a billion times, the results would hardly be noticeable if viewed from space. What we do as humans is small compared to the Earth itself. We marvel at our own strength, but the power of the Earth is still beyond us. We cannot equal the eruptive power of a volcano, the sheer force of a hurricane or the speed of a tornado. The Earth, quite simply is larger than us, and anything we do has little effect on it.
The creative powers of the Earth are astounding as well. With our pittance of reintroducing CO2, why is it assumed that the Earth cannot reabsorb this small amount? Could the addition of more plants, (more plant food, more plants) be a good thing? Yes we can plant trees, but the vast majority of plant life doesn't need us to do anything, and in any environment if there is more food then more life will spring up to eat it.
The biggest worry that people have about global climate change is that the ice caps will melt, notably the Arctic ones. First off, if the Arctic ice cap melts entirely, the sea level will rise not one inch. To prove my point, go get a glass of water and put an ice cube in it. Measure the water level. Wait for the ice cube to melt. Measure it again. The water level will be the same, if not lower (due to evaporation). Go on, I will still be here when you get back.
The ice cap of Greenland in the past was much reduced if not gone entirely. Back in the days of the Medieval Warm Period, Viking colonists grew crops and raised animals there. It was called Greenland for a reason. During this time, there were not large areas of Europe under water, nor did polar bears become extinct. It also leads one to believe that even without increased CO2 (the Vikings didn't have cars) the Earth still warmed. All that I ask is that Occam's Razor be applied here.
On top of all of these things, cap and trade will only affect the United States. Even if we assume that CO2 legislation will hold off warming, a horrible assumption, the next two largest economies will never do this. India and China will never self-inflict this wound on themselves. Thus, instead of actually affecting the CO2 level, we will just injure ourselves and do nothing to "save" the planet.
Can we "save" Earth? Can we destroy it? The answer to both is no. Instead of worrying about how natural carbon is being put out into the atmosphere, we should worry about getting people jobs and making sure that they have indoor toilets. Food would also be nice, so they don't starve. Environmentalists are really ex-commies, pissed off that the Soviet Union collapsed and that the United States is the lone superpower. Debunking their agenda and fake science obviously will take more work than just one post, but I needed to at least mention the vile cap and trade, and tell my few readers that along with the health care bill, it will destroy our economy and fundamentally weaken and change America, not for the better.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Futuristic Slum of District 9

Yesterday I watched District 9. I first saw previews about this movie some time ago, and it looked quite interesting. I was not disappointed. Shown from a documentary-type point of view, the movie depicts a group of aliens who arrived from elsewhere in a broken down ship that hangs over the Johannesburg skyline. The movie is full of action and its story keeps the viewer engaged.
Similar to the movies and show Alien Nation, these aliens have come to Earth escaping from home. Humanity appears to be divided between those who welcome the aliens and those who see them as dregs and sub-human. The largest difference between the two is that while the aliens of Alien Nation look more human and landed in the United States, while the aliens of District 9 land in South Africa.
For some, this might not seem as big of a difference. However, one can see a subtle critique of multinational government that lies within the movie. The aliens of Alien Nation, even though they have to deal with racism and distrust of humans, many integrate themselves into human society. The aliens of District 9 are ghettoized. They live in shantytowns, sifting through garbage and generally seen as trash by the general human population. They are controlled by a new international government organization, called the Multinational United. Possessing its own military and manufacturing base, this organization is responsible for housing the aliens and learning as much as can be gleaned from them. While it might have been intentional that this is a corporation, much of the MNU smacks of the UN.
Completely bureaucratized, the MNU doesn't treat its charges well, from putting them into the shantytown of District 9 to the forced relocation of District 10 and the experimentation done on them. No concept of freedom is given to the aliens, and they are seen sifting through trash throughout the movie, living in despicable conditions. They have their own agenda though, one that might not seem as alien to the human viewers of the movie.
This movie is worth the time spent watching it. It puts our own human insecurities up front and center, by showing us that even if they look different, often they are not so much. Along with the bad side of humanity, it shows our good as well, from bringing strange creatures to live and thrive on our world to self sacrifice for them. I enjoyed the movie very much, and I would think that most would as well.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I Am Not A Dutch Kid Filling Holes In The Dam

You know, maybe I have been too hard on our Dear Leader. Maybe he is really a decent and hard working good American, honestly wanting to make our country better, and that he doesn't lie to our faces each and everyday. Then, after thinking that, I hit myself in the back of the head, tell myself to stop thinking stupid and realize that the Dear Leader quite possibly is the worst leader of the free world since its inception.
Before you claim that I have gone off the deep end, there are valid points to support my supposition. With one exception, we have never had a leader so ashamed to be in charge of us than the Dear Leader. He apologizes for our very existence at every turn, and promises to relinquish our standing in the world, giving it back to the thugs. We don't deserve it. Good and decent nations like Venezuela, Cuba, Iran and Russia deserve the world. We will bend at the knee to our betters, and ask for their mercy for our impertinence in being the lone superpower. The only other leader of the United States who approached this level of stupidity was the national hemorrhoid Jimmy Carter, who was honestly just that naive.
So, our Dear Leader not only praises outright evil and vicious people, but spurns those that fight for freedom, such as the new president of Honduras. I have previously talked at length about the situation there but will reiterate it briefly here. The new president and the military of Honduras, under direction of their Supreme Court, evicted the previous occupant, a leftist dictator-in-waiting, who desired and was working towards cementing his permanent power. This coup was legal in all respects, and preserved democracy in a region of the world that has little history of it.
Above and beyond all of this, our Dear Leader has purposely and decisively weakened our nation, from ending missile defense in our new allies in Europe to nationalizing vital industries, to attempting to control our lives through health care "reform". In pursuit of these things he has mislead, lied and born false witness. He has been an agent of our enemies through his actions abroad, and a despot at home. His domestic policies are illegal de jure and de facto. Our beloved Constitution does not provide for these powers of nationalization and takeovers. Thus by our highest law they are illegal. On top of this, is the criminal waste of billions of our tax dollars in the "porkulus" bill. And if this was not enough, those who work for and support closely the Dear Leader are as criminal as he is. The organizations SEIU and ACORN have in recent days shown to be criminal and corrupt, and the Dear Leader's unconstitutional czars have as many skeletons in their closets as his cabinet does.
And what of those who bravely see what is being done to their country and are fighting back? They are belittled and called racists, Nazis and bigots. It is said that they cannot stand to have a president who looks different from their own reflection, but the truth is that they cannot stand the lack of good leadership and the criminal waste coming from this government. We don't ask for much from our government, only to live free and safe to pursue our dreams. This however is too much to ask from a leader who believes that the very idea of America is flawed, and evil.
We all have heard about the Dutch boy putting his fingers in the dam, trying to keep it from bursting. However, I will do this myself and I encourage you to do so as well. Stop trying to stop the dam from bursting. Weaken it by learning about what the Dear Leader truly wants to do, and when you realize the monstrosities of it, convince others. Let the people of America know who really is the enemy of our nation, and they will remember that we can fix it. Go to town hall meetings, support the tea parties, read the health care bill. Don't buy government owned cars from government owned companies. Call your Representatives, and tell them to fight the President. Give money to those who have done so already, such as Joe Wilson. And finally, seek out alternative media, and deny business to those outlets who sit like lapdogs in the Dear Leader's lap. Together we can unleash the flood that is America, and take our country back.

Monday, September 14, 2009

My New Hero

Last week I found my new hero. Normally, my list of heroes remains constant, but any time that I see someone who stands up for what I believe in and thumbs his nose at those who are against me (and the rest of us), and then the list always has room for one more. This new name? Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina.
Just who is this champion of the people, you may ask? He is the one that interrupted Our Dear Leader's campaign speech to Congress last week with his rightly stating that Our Dear Leader was lying. It is always shocking when someone states that the emperor has no clothes. Now of course Representative Wilson was forced to apologize for breaking decorum to the Chief Henchman Rahm, but he has stood put on the substance of what he stated, as well as he should. Rare among politicians, who usually knuckle under with massive media onslaught even with the truth on his side, Representative Wilson has shown true courage. Now it cannot be compared to the courage demonstrated by our brave soldiers, but both are needed.
Only one person has to state the nudity of the emperor, and then the illusion is shattered. They will try to destroy the character of Representative Wilson, as they believe that will put the genie back into the bottle. They will call him crazy, racist, bigoted, etc. They will make his family cry. They will describe how horrible life would be under an America run by Joe Wilsons. They will charge him falsely with crimes, and ethics complaints. They will not stop until Wilson is dead, or another, greater threat emerges.
How does a hero survive such an onslaught? He needs friends and supporters to do so. Those who put Wilson into office need to write him, send money, show their support. In 2010, return him to office by massive margins. Those who put Wilson in his position to call out the Dear Leader need to show their continued support for him, otherwise he will crumble. Those outside his district can do the same, as I suspect that massive amounts of support have flooded into his office. This needs to continue. Even with this outpouring, success is not guaranteed, as we saw with Sarah Palin. Not to impugn her character in the slightest, but the onslaught that she experienced few can withstand.
It remains to be seen whether Representative Wilson can handle the heat. So far, we have hope. Our new hero must realize that large numbers of his countrymen support him, and that his small act of defiance was greatly appreciated by those who love our country. And yes, his act is the very definition of speaking truth to power. Greatly misused by those who are of the left, they find true applications of it hurtful, and respond in the same ways that they always have done, by attempting to ruin the person.
It is quite funny, that are long supposed guardians of truth, the mainstream media, turned on someone who spoke the truth to support a liar. All criticisms of the health insurance "reform" legislation have been valid. There will be death panels, illegals will be covered, and it will eliminate private coverage. This monstrous proposal will destroy a large part of what America means, and must be stopped at all costs. Representative Wilson's statement was a small step to its defeat. Some will maintain that one of the bills explicitly states that illegals wouldn't have to be covered. However, with a lack of ability in determining the legality of a prospective health insurance seeker there of course would be those who are criminal that would receive taxpayer funds. And yes, illegal immigrants are criminals. By definition it can be no other way. The lack of understanding of this simple concept is beyond most people, unless you think about the differing worldviews that the Left must have, in order for their ideas to have any logical basis.
Representative Joe Wilson, a new American hero, emerged last week. It is my sincere hope that he continues to be a voice for the people, and stands up for what America truly is: a land of the free, and home of the brave. This vile legislation is beyond un-American. Let us all stop it, with courageous leaders such as Representative Wilson at our forefront.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Learn About the World From The Comfort of Your Own Home

Last week I went to my ten year high school reunion. Now, I know what most people are thinking. High School reunions are usually a time when you see people that you haven't seen in many years, reminisce about good times that you shared, and possibly attempt to redress some of the regrets that you had. What I did not expect was to make some new friends. Almost everyone that was there was married, or soon to be married. I felt a little left out, but some of the new spouses were quite nice. One of them told me about her passions in life, one of which was teaching Girl Scouts about all numbers of things about different cultures.
Being an amiable fellow, I asked about her mission, and checked out her site. Normally I am not supremely impressed, as I try to be nonplussed, but her tack to teach children about different cultures around the world is quite well researched and interesting. Her site talks about each country, starting with the countries of Europe.
Her plan is to eventually have a section for each country in the world. Each section details a little general knowledge about the country, and several interesting arts/crafts, and cultural food ideas. Most cultural studies for college age people (which I was most used to) are usually quite boring, and give you little actual real understanding of how people actually live around the world. The type of information that you receive by actually doing and tasting what other people is rare knowledge. Most cultural education in the United States is sterile and clinic, often debasing it down to the sociological "underpinnings" that leave a stale taste in your mouth. However, this novel approach to learning about other cultures that she begins with her site is something that we should see more of.
A few odds and ends. First, this is a work in progress. Many of the countries have no listing, as research for over 160 countries will take some time. And yes, her intentions are to have at least a small amount of information concerning each and every country. Secondly, there are some formatting issues, but with all new projects, these can be worked out.
Why am I talking about this, when so many other things are going on? Well, first off, after I went to the site, the amount of material clearly merited some discussion, and that the approach of teaching culture through arts and crafts was something that I feel that most people have and will continue to overlook, unless such attempts are noted and disseminated. I guess you could say that I am doing my part to tell the world about this site, and what it is attempting to do. Secondly, sometimes I want to just talk about something new and interesting that is good. There are many things going on in the world that aren't bad, and sometimes just mentioning such things are helpful to maintain ones sanity.
Oh, before I forget, I should mention the site. For those who are interested, the address is Even if you don't normally enjoy arts and crafts (and that group includes me), check it out. Learn something, and pass the knowledge along. It will be worth it.