Monday, September 14, 2009

My New Hero

Last week I found my new hero. Normally, my list of heroes remains constant, but any time that I see someone who stands up for what I believe in and thumbs his nose at those who are against me (and the rest of us), and then the list always has room for one more. This new name? Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina.
Just who is this champion of the people, you may ask? He is the one that interrupted Our Dear Leader's campaign speech to Congress last week with his rightly stating that Our Dear Leader was lying. It is always shocking when someone states that the emperor has no clothes. Now of course Representative Wilson was forced to apologize for breaking decorum to the Chief Henchman Rahm, but he has stood put on the substance of what he stated, as well as he should. Rare among politicians, who usually knuckle under with massive media onslaught even with the truth on his side, Representative Wilson has shown true courage. Now it cannot be compared to the courage demonstrated by our brave soldiers, but both are needed.
Only one person has to state the nudity of the emperor, and then the illusion is shattered. They will try to destroy the character of Representative Wilson, as they believe that will put the genie back into the bottle. They will call him crazy, racist, bigoted, etc. They will make his family cry. They will describe how horrible life would be under an America run by Joe Wilsons. They will charge him falsely with crimes, and ethics complaints. They will not stop until Wilson is dead, or another, greater threat emerges.
How does a hero survive such an onslaught? He needs friends and supporters to do so. Those who put Wilson into office need to write him, send money, show their support. In 2010, return him to office by massive margins. Those who put Wilson in his position to call out the Dear Leader need to show their continued support for him, otherwise he will crumble. Those outside his district can do the same, as I suspect that massive amounts of support have flooded into his office. This needs to continue. Even with this outpouring, success is not guaranteed, as we saw with Sarah Palin. Not to impugn her character in the slightest, but the onslaught that she experienced few can withstand.
It remains to be seen whether Representative Wilson can handle the heat. So far, we have hope. Our new hero must realize that large numbers of his countrymen support him, and that his small act of defiance was greatly appreciated by those who love our country. And yes, his act is the very definition of speaking truth to power. Greatly misused by those who are of the left, they find true applications of it hurtful, and respond in the same ways that they always have done, by attempting to ruin the person.
It is quite funny, that are long supposed guardians of truth, the mainstream media, turned on someone who spoke the truth to support a liar. All criticisms of the health insurance "reform" legislation have been valid. There will be death panels, illegals will be covered, and it will eliminate private coverage. This monstrous proposal will destroy a large part of what America means, and must be stopped at all costs. Representative Wilson's statement was a small step to its defeat. Some will maintain that one of the bills explicitly states that illegals wouldn't have to be covered. However, with a lack of ability in determining the legality of a prospective health insurance seeker there of course would be those who are criminal that would receive taxpayer funds. And yes, illegal immigrants are criminals. By definition it can be no other way. The lack of understanding of this simple concept is beyond most people, unless you think about the differing worldviews that the Left must have, in order for their ideas to have any logical basis.
Representative Joe Wilson, a new American hero, emerged last week. It is my sincere hope that he continues to be a voice for the people, and stands up for what America truly is: a land of the free, and home of the brave. This vile legislation is beyond un-American. Let us all stop it, with courageous leaders such as Representative Wilson at our forefront.

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