Monday, August 3, 2009

Let's Go Burn the Bastille

Over the last few weeks, a massive tidal wave has been growing underneath the soil of Middle America. This groundswell is a growing rebellion against the Dear Leader and his policies, and its eventual explosion is coming. If our Democrat leadership in Washington does not get their heads our of their asses, they will find a full scale country-wide revolt against them. 1994 will look like a minor glitch.
For those of you who don't follow the news outside of the major three networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) the minor news networks (CNBC, CNN, and for completeness sake MSNBC, even though it only has a audience of about twenty people) and almost every major newspaper with the exception of the WSJ (Wall Street Journal), the revolt against the agenda of the Dear Leader is underway. For my part I say it is about time. It seems that while personally the Dear Leader remains popular, his policies and those who work under him have low marks, and even his popular facade is crumbling. It seems that when people voted for change, they did not want socialism as that change.
What is the impetus for this sea change? Health Care. Or to be actually correct, Health Coverage. Everyone has access to health care in America, the real problem is how do we pay for the service. I spoke at great length before about this problem, so I will not mention it here. What I will talk about is the revolt. Democrat congressmen and administration officials have been going out into the hinterland, selling the health coverage plan. At each stop, the assembled masses berate the speaker, showing their absolute ignorance of what the bill actual is. The crowd knows more about what is in the bill that those who are selling it. And they don't want it. National polls reflect this, as a super majority of the population now does not want the bill, with the numbers who oppose this grow each day as more and more actually read the bill.
The supporters of the bill, instead of listening to those who put them into office, denigrate their detractors and call them stupid for reading the bill. Representative John Conyers actually said that it is dumb that people expect their elected Representatives read the bills before they vote on them. The state-run media, when they mention the revolt, calls them extremists and pawns of the insurance industry. Apparently, those in government no longer have to listen to us who hold the real power in America, the people. They know better than us, and we should just trust them because they have our best interest at heart. Even if this were true, and it ain't, the very fact that we know what horrors are contained within the health coverage bill and they don't (because they haven't read it) would say that this one time they should listen to the little people. We don't want it.
This is not the first thing that this Administration has done that people don't want. They don't like the nationalization of the automobile and banking industries. They didn't want the failed stimulus bill. They don't want our President apologizing for America's "crimes". They expected a moderate Democrat, and they got a Marxist. The criminal and corrupt leadership of America is on the precipice, and they will fall off because they do not heed the words of the people.
This revolt is bringing out the few in Congress who for once in a great while realize just who they work for. Some of the Republicans are championing the people against this travesty, calling out that in a few short months there won't be a single person in the America who supports this bill. If they retain their kahones over the next two years, we could see the end of the Democratic Party as a possible majority party for at least the next twenty years.
If the Democrats push this bill through, and if the Republicans remain opposed, it will destroy their party. This bill is so unpopular, and so terrible, the people will never forgive them. When they go under, they will drag down the old media with them. The old media, who gave up journalism and went over to advocacy, has been losing audience for nearly fifteen years. They have tied their last hopes on the Dear Leader, and when he meets his Waterloo (thank you Jim DeMint) they will cease to be. It will be this bill, passed or not, that will destroy the Dear Leader's presidency. He loses credibility and popularity each day, and since he ties his success to these things, when they are done he will be as well.
We don't want unelected bureaucrats to control our lives, and decide when we die. This is the very thing that will happen if the bill passes. What the supporters of the bill tell us that we should want this. It is for our own good. The "experts" know better, and our say doesn't matter. Well, that is something that this country certainly doesn't support.
I am constantly reminded that what I say is usually right. Several posts ago I spoke about how people in the country view the world in completely different ways. I was reading an article about the Republican opposition to the health coverage bill and reading the comments following it. There were those who probably have read the bill, supporting the Republicans and ripping on the bill. And the others, full of vitriol and hate, spit venom on any who are against Obama, crying out for his saving touch and his bill. They use the old stereotypes of Republicans (which are actually not true. Your hyper-rich people are actually usually Democrats. Why? Just like Democrats, the super rich have a disjunction from reality.), call them Nazis and demand that the government save them. They want this plan to succeed, and if it don't they will die. They actually believe that Cuba has a better health system than the United States.
Not to go off on a tangent, but these proponents of socialized medicine put their faith in polls of the Cuban people, in which 96 percent of the population prefers their health care. I am surprised that 4 percent don't. I am going to say this once more. Never trust any type of polling or elections in dictatorships. They fall under the same principle that 99 percent of the population voted for Saddam Hussein. Of course they did. I believe that they did. But that is not actually how they feel. Imagine that you took a poll of Nazi Germany asking about the popularity of Adolf Hitler. You should be surprised if the number of people who support him was any less than 100%. For those of you who went to public school, the reason for this is that the secret police are often standing over the shoulders of those in the poll, either literally or figuratively. What this means that if they don't vote the way that the Gestapo want you to, you often get disappeared.
But back to the main problem. The Dear Leader's plan to change the health care system is falling apart, and the only reason for this is the general uprising of American people against it. This is happening, for all the right reasons. If current trends continue, we will have stopped the centerpiece of destroying our country within the next few weeks. Those who lined up against the American people will be remembered. I think back to the French Revolution. It was here, on July 14, 1789, that the French people, fed up with their government, stormed this ancient fortress prison known as the Bastille and started the revolution. They attacked the symbols of oppression. Today we see the beginnings of this discontent with each voice who shouts down the blubbering mouthpieces of the Administration who try to sell something that they don't know about or try to hide from us. They will not succeed. If they do not listen, they will be cast out of power, one way or another. It is funny, because those who cry at the top of their lungs about how they support the little common man in flyover country are those who ignore us, see us as children, and when we question them are told to go to our room. It is these people who will feel the wrath of the people, and been written about in the histories that they supported the Ancien Regime and lost. When we burn the Bastille it will be a good day, and we all will be better for it.

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