Monday, August 10, 2009

There Will Be Blood

No, this isn't going to be me talking about the movie of the same name. Speaking of movies, a short tangent. I am going to assume that the movie There Will Be Blood will be atrocious. I have come to realize that critically acclaimed movies that don't have a single movie "critic" who hated the movie are universally terrible. I mean, there is always someone who doesn't like a movie. There are people out there (loosely called people) who don't like The Blues Brothers. There are two movies in particular that I am thinking of, Gangs of New York and Brokeback Mountain. You couldn't find a bad review from either of these movies, and yet they were both stinkers. Gangs could have cut out the middle 2 and a half hours, leaving the bookend street fights. It was boring. I felt my life essence slowly die over the movie, and wanted the Almighty to return the wasted time of watching that stinker to me. Watching it without the street fights should be a preferred measure of "torture" at Guantanamo Bay. Brokeback was worse, which I did not see as possible. I will "spoil" this stinker for ya right here. The stinker goes like this - two cowboys become friends while herding sheep, get drunk one night and out of the blue decide to plug each other. After spending the rest of the summer screwing about, and might I add abandoning their jobs as ranchers, leaving the sheep to fend for themselves, they go off to live separate lives, getting married and having children. They decided to meet up to relive their summer of love, first destroying one family, complete with two little girls and a doormat wife (yes, Michelle Williams played the doormat perfectly) then another, complete with a brainless woman whose husband philanders his way through life with both men and women, resulting in his death. There are feeble attempts to show that through all of this, both men are "good" fathers, which they are not, and their love is true, except that at the very least ignoring the fact that they are gay both are liars and adulterers.
Whew, I am a little out of breath. Now, why is there going to be blood? Back to the real point, the health care "debate" has become violent. Union goons from SEIU have assaulted protesters and vendors at town hall meetings. They put a black vendor, selling buttons and flags at one event, in the hospital. While they beat him senseless, racial epitaphs were spewed out. The White House has set up snitch websites for people to report "misinformation" on the half-a-dozen bills under consideration, and laid out a plan for community groups to resist the regular citizenry, whose anger over their Representatives not doing their job and ignoring their constituents who don't want any of these bills.
None of these protests were violent until the union arrived, called in by the Dear Leader's administration to "police" and "protect" those Democrats whose job is to explain to the peasantry why they need the government to control their health care. The unfortunate thing (for the Dear Leader) is that the peasants know more about the proposed legislation than those who are supposed to vote for it.
I was reading an article about this outbreak of violence, and the comments placed there by other readers. Almost to a letter, each of those who "support" the Dear Leader are vile, hate-filled posts, tearing down those who are legitimately opposed by name-calling and threats. As I have spoken about before, there are two sides in seeing the world, and they can be clearly shown by reading these comments. For those who live in caves, it would seem that the two sides are going off completely different sets of information.
What does this say about the future? Well, the historical reaction to this is violence. Even in our modern screwed up mindset, violence is a completely understandable conclusion to two sides. There is nothing to talk about, as both sides are irreconcilable. The peasants aren't going to remain doormats any longer, and ignore the truth. The crazies aren't going to stop being crazy. Either way, neither side can live with the other. Thus, there will be violence.
For those of you who went to public school, throughout history violence has been the only way to settle things. Sure you can talk about things, and come to compromises, but eventually one side must win, and the other must lose. That is how things are done. There is no changing this. All it takes is a long line of abuses, and then a spark. This spark was the beating of a black man. First blood has been drawn by the crazies, and the righteous wrath of the people will only get larger.
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't want this blood. No one really does. But it is human nature, and even with our "modern" sensibilities we can't overcome this. "Modern" sensibilities are jokes. People remain people. They haven't changed, and while they can take a large amount of abuse, there comes a breaking point. When that point approaches, strain can be shown, and that which is pushing the people towards this point instead of letting go pushes harder. It is inevitable, now. The die is cast. The Dear Leader has only sped up the process, with his leaps toward socialism. The country had been slowly moving towards it since the Teddy Roosevelt Administration under the guise of Progessivism. Now, the band will break, and things will be reset.
When I say violence, it does not mean that civil war is approaching us. That is a possibility though, although small. If the small scale violence by union goons continues, and a unacceptable socialist bill is rammed through the government, that small possibility grows mightily. If this bill dies, (which I hope it does) the violence will be limited. There will be a cleaning out of the supporters of the bill in 2010. Those who sided with the people will be catapulted into power. The Dear Leader's entire future is leaning on this bill, and he will collapse if it doesn't pass. There is even the possibility of removing him from office if the fall cleaning goes especially well.
To compound this, there is the other side. Violence is especially possible with them. The fascists who support the Dear Leader can tighten their power. It was they who drew first blood, and when things get uglier and uglier, just like any other dictator or wannabe dictator, when the going get tough the fist tightens. We will see more violence at town meetings, courtesy of union goons. Maybe instead of putting someone in the hospital, they will put someone in the morgue. Of course the privileged leadership will decry this, even as they order it to continue.
All of this paints a dark picture for the future. I don't want it. I just want them to go away, stop being crazy and leave the American people alone. Cease your drive to take over the country. Prevent this violence to come. The responsibility for the blood will be on the Dear Leader's hands, as it is his "leadership" that which is stirring up the hornet's nest.
Sometimes I shudder for our nation. If it were possible, our Founding Fathers would be spinning in their graves. They would be the first to protest the meetings, receive the blows from the thugs, and march on Washington D.C. to overturn this corrupt government. Steel yourselves for the days ahead. These will be times that try men's souls, and we, if we remain strong, will emerge from the shadow of the valley of death, and wonder just how we got there.

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