Thursday, August 27, 2009

Online Fantasies Come True Each And Every Day!

There are many different advertisements out there on the web. Often what they are advertising is too good to be true, saying that they will improve something about your body or offering instantaneous encounters with the opposite sex. However, there was one such ad which I discovered to be a pleasant surprise. Yes, I clicked on one of the ads for, and discovered a fun, and in fact free, online game.
I have even told people that I see in the real world to play, for nothing else it is a great way to spend a few minutes each day. Like some fantasy games, it involves building a city and armies, which of course allows you to attack and pillage your neighbors. Quests keep the players active with things to do, and I have already begun a rivalry with a nearby player. One day I will be strong enough to smash him, but for now I must continue to build up my alliance of other players.
Very quickly can one be sucked in to the world of Evony, which in most terms isn't such a bad thing. For the modern, high graphic intensive gamer, the game might seem provincial, but to one who grew up with text based games, and old enough to realize the value of money, especially in today's economy, a truly free game that allows your imagination to run wild is a refreshing change from many other games.
What makes Evony fun? Well, the face is that I have always enjoyed online games, and especially enjoyed those with a fantasy bent. I like to construct something that takes time to build up, and see how my machinations and plans play out. Unlike other online games that I have played, Evony is like the city building games like Civilization or Alpha Centauri. You decide what gets built, and what goals your city (and later cities) take.
If there were things that I did not like about the game, I would have to say that the fact that I don't have to legally pay a dime makes up for them. You can do so if you desire, but the game is equally playable for those who do and those who don't. I would recommend Evony to anyone who enjoys fantasy games, or strategists would enjoy long term planning. For once, I was not disappointed in clicking on an Internet ad. Try Evony, and find out that some things in life truly are free. Look me up in the game when you play.

Lord Jackson
Server 27

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