Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Ants Are Marching, But This Time They Got Tanks and Nukes

While the world has been distracted by the death of Michael Jackson, there has been a lot going on that makes me think that MJ was lucky now that he doesn't have to worry about it. Not that he did. I could spend all of ten minutes talking about Michael Jackson, but really, in the grand scheme of things he was not very important, just tragic. The actual important events have been going on outside the borders of the United States, in places that many of its people couldn't find on a map.
The first is the home of our Dear Leader's inspiration, The Dear Leader Kim Jong-Il's North Korea. It seems that North Korea is planning nuclear annihilation of the world if the eeevil United States attacks it in any way, or even if a bald eagle farts in its general direction. What are we doing about this? Absolutely nothing. It seems that President Obama is afraid of the pot bellied Dear Leader, and really thinks that he has the keys to shut off the world's internal core sitting next to his Scarface VHS tape. When the brilliant Vice President Joe Biden said that the world would test Obama, and that it would not look like he knew what to do (because he doesn't), we would just have to trust him. Well, my trust is gone. The pot-bellied Dear Leader will continue to rattle sabers, and could at any time start an invasion of South Korea, or nuke Japan, China, Hawaii or the continental United States. The correct response to this lunacy, lance this boil once and for all. The Korean War technically never ended, and North Korea a few years ago repudiated the cease-fire, so we are at war with them. Lets show them what war really is. Bomb his military forces, sink his navy, send black ops to take him out. Make North Korea an example to the rest of the dictators of the world that there is a point that we will not tolerate any more bad behavior. I really think that it should have been about three years ago, but better late than never. Re-unify the peninsula, and liberate the starving and enslaved people of the North. Even if North Korea launches nukes, they have so few (and those are not accurate or powerful) that in the long run it will have been worth the price that we pay today. That price however increases each year as North Korea gets stronger.
The next is the continuing struggle in Iran over the fake elections held there a little over two weeks ago. The Iranian Government has "certified" the election, and stated that the chosen candidate has won by even a larger margin than the 2 to 1 margin shown in the original election. How quaint. It don't find it at all suspicious that in an autocratic police state run by clerics that there is after a "recount" that the candidate chosen by the clerics won by a larger margin. No, it has to be true, since the state-run media has reported this and has clearly moved on to more pressing things like cap and trade (another time my pretties). There is still violence on the streets of Tehran, and people's blood is washed away each morning. When are we going to support them? I would be even willing to concede that the "election" was fair, and the ballots were not switched, destroyed or just plain shredded in the ballot box. We lose credibility in the world if we don't work to undermine the Iranian regime, and help those people it oppresses. This is a perfect opportunity to rid ourselves of Iran's terrorist government, and we do nothing. If nothing is done and Tehran's streets become quiet, our Dear Leader will have failed miserably on the greatest step on bringing Middle East peace, the collapse of Iran. And we will have to thank ourselves for his incompetence.
The third major thing concerns the coup in Honduras, and our commendation of it. Again, our Dear Leader makes the wrong call. The former president of the Central America country had attempted to pull a Chavez, and turn the democracy into a lifetime dictatorship, when their Supreme Court called his actions illegal and the military removed him from power. He ran with his tail between his legs to Chavez and vows to return. Unlike Douglas MacArthur, the people of Honduras won't appreciate it, as he will not be liberating them but destroying all that they have accomplished over the last thirty years. Our Dear Leader has condemned this removal of the president, and other leftist governments in Latin America are going to help force the government and people of Honduras "change their mind". What should be our response to all of this? Well, our support should go out to the lawful government, and even though we don't agree with a military coup in general, this action stopped the corrupt president and we should push that the military allows democratic elections as soon as possible to set things back to normal. But, the likely happening is that our Dear Leader will help this future dictator resume control over his country, and condemn the people of Honduras.
Why are these things important, at least more important than the death of the King of Pop? The world is a dangerous place, and things that happen on the other side of the world can have major effects here. September 11 is a good example of what happens when things are ignored outside our borders, and our Dear Leader appears to have not learned this lesson. We are not pushing for democracy abroad, and are neglecting our duties as the Shining City on the Hill to make the world a better place. In fact, the Obama policy appears to be to replace democracy with socialist dictatorships, which should curdle the blood of any real American. The march of dictatorship is picking up steam, gathering tanks and nukes with each passing week. What we really need to do is to smash the ants, and save the picnic for everyone else.

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