Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Biggest Whack-a-Mole Game Ever

I know that I have not commented on what has been going on out there for a while. I guess that I was allowing some things to marinate and cook just a bit longer. There have been a number of important and interesting things happening out there, and deciding which one I should talk about is like playing the whack-a-mole game. The continuing violence in Iran, the girl with fifty face tattoos, the disappearance and return of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, the President's Health Care Debacle, sharks hunt like serial killers, and finally Perez Hilton pisses off the gays. With so much going on, I guess I will have to talk about all of it. It really is the only way to beat the mole, get a big enough hammer to hit all the heads.
Iran is easy. To unbiased observers, Iran is being subjected to continuing civil unrest, which is euphemistic for blood is running in the streets. And what is our Dear Leader doing about it? He watches his Rome burn. His facade of a new Middle East, created by his speech at Cairo, crumbles with the violence in Tehran. Through his perfect press secretary Robert Gibbs, our Dear Leader cannot find it in himself to support those who bleed for freedom, or even denigrate those thugs who fire into the crowd. American Presidents in the past have used their bully pulpit in support of foreign people fighting for themselves, and some have even gone beyond that and gave physical support to these brave people. These are the appropriate responses to the violence in Tehran. Saying that we are not going to influence the "debate" in Iran is dangerous in the least. We stand at a rare opportunity to remove Iran as a threat to world peace, and our Dear Leader only wants the violence to end so we can talk to the evil dictator and thugs of the regime. In terms of foreign policy, our Dear Leader has almost instinctively chosen the wrong course, with the notable exception of shooting those pirates. We should support the streets of Tehran, and take this opportunity to strike a blow for freedom in the Middle East. But, alas, we would need someone else running the show to give those people a chance.
The next big thing is the face tattoos of stars. Why anyone would purposely disfigure themselves by tattooing their face is beyond me, but this girl apparently lied to the world press when she stated that her intention was not to cover herself in black stars. Why I think that this story is important is because of what is says about a person's motivations, and that thankfully some things never change. If one follows the news, you can't help but think that the world is going to hell in a hand basket, and that traditional values are all but gone. But, this girl lied because she felt shame about what she had done to herself in front of her father. Yes, there was rebellion against one's parents, but the shame is the important thing. People still respect what their parents think of them, no matter what the Left in this country would lead you to believe. Even in a fog of nonsense and crazed news out there, there is a nugget of how things used to be (and still are) that gives me hope that all is not lost, and that people don't change because some government nanny tells them too.
Governor Sanford nearly became this century's Baby Lindbergh, only to return from Argentina claiming that he had cheated on his wife. His disappearance became a obsession for the media, who continue to pile on this tragic figure who is only human. The real story here is can we live without our public figures, when they decide to go gallivanting off hiking or to South America. Life continued as normal for the residents of South Carolina, even without their governor. What this means for the rest of us is we really don't need government at all times in our lives, and if this is true we really don't need them much at all. To some, this represents the depravity of the human condition, but really Governor Sanford's disappearance and its reason are just a view into one man's fragile condition. He is no more depraved than the rest of us, and his absence really shows us that we really don't need him (or any other politician) in our lives, as when they are gone things are completely normal.
Our Dear Leader wishes to remake our health care system, and ABC News is going to promote his policies tonight. Even with this fawning coverage, his plans are in trouble, as the vast majority of people want nothing to do with it, as well as a large majority of Democrats who sometimes must listen to those who elected them. I don't share in the outrage over ABC and how they are treating this issue, only because I see it as them showing their true colors and how far journalism has fallen in our modern times. There is little pretense of objectivity today, in any media form. This is not a bad thing, unless one tries to pass off opinion as objective journalism. This has led to the downfall of the traditional media, and the rise of the alternatives. The alternatives don't hide under the pretense of objectivity, and provide a viewpoint of the majority of people. But, I digress. Our Dear Leader wishes to place a government bureaucrat in charge of your health, and it will cost at minimum One Trillion Dollars to do so. I don't care that it is over ten years. We have had enough of this neo-Marxism from our Dear Leader, and it is here that he will be stopped, if one can read the political winds. His fellow Democrats also see the cliff that our Dear Leader is driving towards, and many of them don't wish to go over the side. There is a crisis in health in our country, but it is not the one that is pushed by our media.
Breaking news, it seems that great white sharks and serial killers are the same. I thought that this story was funny, if only because of the common thread to humanize animals that is often present in today's media. It seems that sharks stalk and select their victims, just like humans. I was shocked, if only because I thought that most sharks were like Jaws and the fish could hear the music when he approached. But it seems that I was wrong, and perhaps Ted Bundy could take a few pointers from the most efficient killing machine in the world. Some pointed heads actually researched this and came up with these findings. I guess it is better than our government researching the mating habits of gays in South American bars and why they get AIDS because of them.
Finally, we come to the bloated Perez Hilton, a gentleman and a scholar who specializes in making girls cry. It seems that he had a bit of a scuffle with some members of the group the Black Eyed Peas. In the midst of this argument, Hilton called one of them a burning pile of sticks. He was immediately chastised by GLAAD, for using that slur, and for generally being a nice guy. Why I include this story in my list is because Hilton holds a special place in my heart, the place where worthless people reside. I knew of him long before his debacle with Carrie Prejean, and have always found him to be a talentless hack, gossiping about other people's lives (which I thought bitchy women would do, not men) and generally being a very rude person.
What do each of these stories have in common? Other than the news of the past week, they all show a glimpse into what we consider to be the mainstream media, and how it reacts to what occurs around us. Some people are enshrined in ivory towers (Dear Leader), others fall from them (Hilton), still others were down in the muck and we need to still cover them in it (Sanford). The media props up those who live their worldview, and denigrates those who don't. It doesn't believe humans are anything special, so animals are just like us. Instead of a story about two crazy scientists, great white sharks are people too. Another person who would loosely fit that definition makes a mistake, calls someone a "dirty" word and will be accepted back into the arms of the media lovingly when he apologizes also makes humanity less special. The Governor, to our fearless media is a lowly human, stained with sin, not because he cheated but because he is a Republican. Yeah he messed up, but it happens. Above all of these lowly people, Our Dear Leader sits on his throne, his words chiseled into stone each time he utters something. He can do no wrong, and it is only fair that people only see his side of things. How can there be another side, when he is a modern god, as some in the media think of him. Those who get in the way, like Republicans and demonstrators in Iran, are not worth another thought, and the media tries to show us just how human they really are.
Why talk about this? If you have been reading my posts, there is a common theme with the political musings that I have made. There are two sides in every war, and media is the side of the Moral Relativists. They care little for humanity, seeing that they are no better than the rest of God's creatures, in fact worse than most. Only those who they pick out as better than the rest; i.e. the Dear Leader, are above this judgement of being human. The rest of us are put into one large pot. It is almost Orwellian, where the worthless are noteworthy, peace is war, and wrong is right. The silver lining that I see is that many people are reaching for their large mallets. We are going to put the mole back into his hole, for good this time. We really want that big teddy bear.

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