Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Truth About Birds and Bees: Or The Undeniable Facts About Pat

There are a lot of topics in America today that are not to be talked about. These topics are so decisive that they separate people because only one side is valid, at least in the minds of those who have decided that only their side is correct, and that any other view is simply wrong. This certainty is usually taken by those who cannot support their position logically, and is their method of "winning" the argument. One of these arguments is the debate over homosexuality.
What is homosexuality? It is the action of desiring sexual activity from a member of the same sex. Until 1973 it had been considered to be a mental illness. Today, we are deluged by people who maintain that this "former" disease is an acceptable lifestyle choice, and entitled to the same benefits as normal relationships. I am not sorry to say that this modern view is completely incorrect, and that if psychologists were honest, they would still call this a mental illness.
Before you start calling names, listen for a minute. First off, by the very fact that the first thing that a defender of homosexuality will do when challenged is call someone a name is a red flag that they cannot support their decision with reasoning. It is called an ad homeniem attack, and it one of the basic logical fallacies.
Next, by looking at sexuality and our modern science of psychology homosexuality clearly is abhorrent and abnormal behavior. Sex is the only medium of producing offspring, and it is the major function of the activity. Lesser functions of it include stress relief, showing love, and bonding two people together. This cannot be denied as when people feel lust (a desire for sex), it is a biological function designed to push you into producing children. Far from being an outmoded view of sex, procreation remains the major reason for it, and is how we work on a biological level.
This thought divorce between sex and procreation are relatively new ideas. This misguided perception resulted from the introduction of the Pill, or efficient contraception in the 1960's. Before that time, people engaging in sex were relatively certain that children would result of it, which kept this product of sex front and center and societal control over sex reflected that. Children needed a stable family unit to provide for their upbringing, and thus sex was reserved for marriage. The Pill allowed people to forget about what sex truly was, and thus various other sexual activities were now permissible, at least for those who embraced this lackadaisical view.
Almost a decade after the Pill is when homosexuality became "normal". All this shows is how much contraception had changed the view and thinking of psychology, but not the reality. This acceptance has grown to states allowing homosexuals to marry each other, and the smearing of anyone that is trying to fight their "rights", such as the supporters to Proposition 8 in California.
Proposition 8, for those of you in public school, bans homosexual marriage in California, and passed with a large majority of the vote. In fact, each time the choice of whether to allow for homosexual marriage has come to a democratic vote, it has been voted to ban the marriages by supermajorities each time. It has been left to the court system to impose these marriages on us, which is how they win the argument.
Marriage is the new battleground for the debate, and as usual the homosexual lobby has not a stick to stand on, so they must force their views on the rest of us. Marriage is and always has been the vehicle to produce and raise children. Homosexuals can NEVER do this, as the production of children requires both one man and one woman. Strange how that works. What they don't tell you is that homosexuals can marry in all 50 states. The right to marry someone of the opposite sex is open to them. They wish to create a new right, marriage of people of the same sex. This new right is for financial benefit, and leaves open the possibility that normal people could marry just to get benefits. This corruption of marriage will make it worthless, and erase it from our society.
The effects of this are for discussion of another day. The evidence is clear, homosexuality is wrong, not just for religious reasons (and these are valid as well) but for biological and psychological reasons. The homosexual lobby's answer to this is to put down those who object with religion, and to show us pictures of "gay" animals, which leads the uneducated to believe that the biological reasons are untrue. We are also deluged with statistics showing just how many people are homosexuals. If so many people follow it, it cannot be wrong. Well, they are still wrong. I am not going to talk about religion here, but each objection to homosexuality is valid. There are many different places to read it in depth, and I encourage you all to do so. Gay animals are an obvious straw man. Here is the shocker: Animals are not people. They don't have the same motivations as we do, and similar behaviors do not have similar thought processes behind them. In fact, most animals don't think like we do. Our thought is based heavily on language, and most animals have limited (vocabularies of 200 words or less) or no language skills. Animals can understand some words, like your dog sitting on command. But it is foolish to say because your dog humps the couch that he loves the couch, in that way. Thus the attempt to show that if animals do it, there can be nothing wrong with it. Well, animals don't have serial killers, psychotics or charity. People act above instinct, and have different reasons for what they do. If homosexuals want to say that they are only animals, well, good luck with that. Finally, the funny thing about statistics is that anyone who has actually studied them realizes that they can be fudged, severely. In fact, the numbers of homosexuals is greatly inflated. The prevalence of homosexuals is at most 5% of the population. Even at this low number, there are millions of mentally ill people.
Why do I maintain that they are mentally ill? Homosexuality fits the classical definition of neurosis, which is according to Merriam-Webster is a mental and emotional disorder that affects only part of the personality, is accompanied by a less distorted perception of reality than in a psychosis, does not result in disturbance of the use of language, and is accompanied by various physical, physiological, and mental disturbances (as visceral symptoms, anxieties, or phobias). Homosexuals evidence the distorted perception of reality, in which they deny the procreative basis of sexuality and are disturbed for their misplaced drive for sex that cannot result in this. A related disorder is transgenderism, which is obviously a psychosis. Turning to the dictionary gives us this definition: psychosis is fundamental derangement of the mind (as in schizophrenia) characterized by defective or lost contact with reality especially as evidenced by delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech and behavior. Transgenders believe that their sex is incorrectly determined, and believe that they are something that they are not. Men believe that they are women, and women believe that they are men. This is the classic delusion, just like a person believing that they are a bird and try to fly. We do them a disservice by accepting their delusion by giving them sex reassignment surgery. For those of you with a public school education, it would be like grafting wings on the bird man because he wanted to fly.
When confronted with this, homosexuals and transgenders respond with visceral anger, just like any another psychotic whose derangement is challenged by those without it. Don't mistake this distaste for this mental illness with a hatred to those who are afflicted. The people who suffer from this need help, even though our current understanding of this problem is burdened with current societal acceptance from certain areas. There are those who try to assist these people into fixing their lives, with some success. One such group is the Promise Keepers. But, until modern medicine can find the key to helping these people, a cure for homosexuality beyond solid faith will be beyond us.
This is the truth about the birds and the bees. Hating it won't change the fact that homosexuality is not natural. Some maintain that since humans are beyond animals in such that they possess reason, biological concerns are negated in determining what is normal behavior. This is a fallacy, and normal existence lies on biological foundations. It is like a house built that extends far beyond the ground on which it lays. With a sudden shake the whole house of cards comes crashing down. We need to properly view homosexuals, if for nothing else to prevent their collapse because they tried to fly without wings.

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