Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Hate For a New Century

Recently there was a shooting at the Holocaust Museum here in the United States. It did not take long to discover just who the murder was, a crazed racist. Some people look at this as a clear example that America is a mean country, and that there still are grave obstacles to those people who are not white to rise high in our society. But really, does this mean anything at all, other than we still have crazy people living here in America?
No, since the home of racism is not new, and its effect is great on our society, but not in the way that many people believe. There are two types of people in America, people who don't see or don't care about color, and those that do. The majority of people who fit into the first group are conservatives, and the majority of people who fit into the second group are liberals. It is strange how we label our political parties and stances in this country. Conservatives do not believe in the status quo, as they do in other western countries. Liberals do not believe in more open government and political freedom. To illustrate my points, I will do something that I will not do again in the future. I don't think it is controversial to say our Dear Leader, President Barack Obama is a black man. This statement means nothing to me, as I really do not care a whit about what color of skin a person has. I think he is shaping up to be the worst president we have ever seen in our lifetimes, but that has NOTHING to do with the color of his skin. That is why I won't ever mention it again.
But, for those liberals, leftists, statists and other commie wackos, the melanin content of our Dear Leader's skin is always important, and is mentioned at almost every turn. I thought it was MLK Jr's dream that we would not see skin color in America. But for our state-run media, criticizing our Dear Leader is tantamount to racism, even if you disagree on the wall treatments that the First Lady put up in their residence in the White House. I never cared about the historical nature of this presidency, since I thought we were passed such concerns. Apparently I was wrong. This obsession of skin color continues throughout the political discourse, and exclusively on the left side of the spectrum.
You can see it when they talked about Clarence Thomas, and Condoleezza Rice. This brilliant people had been raked through the mud because of their skin color. They have been shown as traitors to their race, because they aren't leftists. Condy got it far worse, because she is also a woman (shock!). Anytime a non-white non-male person appears on the conservative side of the spectrum, the left brings out the long knives and stabs until it is dead. Not to get too far off topic, just look at David Letterman's comment concerning the rape of Sarah Palin's daughter at a Yankee's game. The absence of complete outrage that should easily surpass the Don Imus nappy haired comment (Don makes a tasteless hair joke, while David smirks about the rape of a young woman. Neither was in good taste, but only the most deluded person could be confused as to which is far more serious) says it all. Imus was forced out, and Letterman has "apologized". The demonstration is not the fact that these two actually said what they did, but how people responded to it. One attacked a protected group, the other a reviled political figure (at least on the coasts, the majority of the country and her state love her).
Sarah Palin is not the only victim of this racist (and sexist) hatred of the left, just the newest. Anyone who falls into a supposed leftist support group, minorities and women, and actually betrays them for the other side is public enemy number one. Also, any criticism of any loyal member of these groups is immediately racist and sexist. Those of us on the right recoil from these charges, as they are acid to the skin in modern America.
Shouldn't that the be the standard? The new societal lepers are racists and sexists. Doesn't this mean that America has gotten past those things in our past? Fraid not. The new acceptable racism is the paternalism of the left, and the man-hating female superiority of the feminists. We need quotas in TV shows and in collegiate graduation classes, need to take sensitivity classes and diversity classes, and bow down to the little giants of history (while ignoring the real movers and shakers) only because they had the correct skin color and/or genitalia. What is this crap? It is the new racism, even though it is not new. I don't like people for what they believe in, their personality or just because I am having a bad day. I have that right to be a bastard. But, you won't find me doing it because they look different (well, if they have a green Mohawk, they just leave themselves open to ridicule). This needs to be repeated, if only counter the endless stream of vitriol that the right is full of racists and sexists. WE DON"T CARE THAT THEY ARE BLACK. We really don't. Our Dear Leader is wrong because of what he is doing to our great country, not because he looks different.
I recall a joke from Carlos Mencia. I can't do the joke with any justice, but his point makes mine. He is at an amusement park and sees a guy in a wheelchair go to the front of the line because he his handicapped. Carlos bitches to the guy and the people who work at the park. After making a scene, Carlos and the guy become friends, because Carlos did not care about the chair, but treated him like a normal person. The funny part of the joke is that they both abused the park for the rest of the day, getting both the guy in the chair and Carlos cutting in lines for rides. This is how it should be. People should be treated the same, regardless of how they look. Judge them on the basis of merit. The new hate for a new century goes against all of this. We still have to acknowledge color and sex, even if we don't want to. We have to give those who are different a leg up, because they are viewed by the left as not real people. This is the legacy of racism in America.

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