Friday, June 19, 2009

Honey, The Dog and the Fox are raiding the Hen House

Much has happened over this past week. The fake elections in Iran have been exposed to the world, which is a big duh to me and those who have a brain and/or follow events in the world. A girl has had her face tattooed over fifty times with stars, and the world's two dear leaders have teamed up in trying to push America into doing what they want. The fox, the dear leader of North Korea has threatened to launch a missile into Hawaii, and the dog, guardian of America has decided to protect the American people from the depredations of Cheerios. If you are in doubt, in seems that the cereal has been responsible for ruining lives and economies and now must be brought low.
Why am I am equating these two people? Well, both seem to desire the same from us, to manipulate us into what they both want, which is not that dissimilar. The Fox is a certifiable nut, having named his possibly non-existent youngest relative to replace him when he ascends into godhood to continue to run his prison. He apparently thinks that lobbing missiles at the island paradise of Hawaii will get him some respect. Normally, the Dog, whose job is to protect the hen house, would blown him out of the water and lay waste to his prison. But this Dog has been born without teeth, because it will most likely give a toothless response to whatever the fox decides to do. But, the Dog does have teeth. They are bared at one of the most beloved breakfast foods in America (not by myself, since I think Cheerios are disgusting, but I can appreciate their popularity) because apparently this dangerous drug has been unregulated and now must be taken off the shelves and only bought with a prescription.
I am not going to argue the merits of this case. Cheerios can defend itself, even though the Dog hopes to bluster them into backing down. The clear target is General Mills, who produces the cereal. It seems that the main goal of the Dog is to push around the major corporations which help provide our modern American life, take over them and then give them away to those mice who have been turning the wheels. The Dog has done so with our automobile companies, and possibly has set his sites on General Mills.
The Fox sees this, and has decided it is a good time for a raid. The big guard Dog is picking off hens himself, so he won't mind if the Fox does so as well. The Fox can't just come in and take like the Dog, but shows up, bares his sharp teeth and the hens throw out some of the weaker ones to save themselves. Normally the farmer would shoot the Fox, but he is asleep. That is why we have the Dog.
Are they working together? No, but the Dog isn't doing his job and the Fox only gets more and more dangerous each time he gets a hen. Even though we have only had this Dog a few months, he has seemed more interested in eating the hens than protecting them. The Fox has been around for years, but it seems that he has found an easy way to get what he wants. How should we, as farmers, proceed?
First, put a lock on the hen house and kick the Dog out of it. We are stuck with the Dog for at least a while, but he has no business in the hen house. Getting him out and hiring a new Dog should be the top priority for the farmer as soon as he can. For the Fox, the Farmer now needs to protect the house himself. Shoot the Fox when he appears, and bomb his nest into the Stone Age. The Farmer needs to do this himself, even though it will be tough. Sometimes, he doesn't pick a very good dog, and other Farmers complain if high explosives are used on the farm. But something needs to be done, before the children run out of eggs in the future, and the Fox is running the farm.

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